The 1950's were a restrictive time in many ways, and fashion reflected that as well. While the designs and the lines of the clothing are amazing, MrMartha can't imagine they were much fun to wear, given the medieval corsetry and quantity of foundation garments required to make the looks work.
Still, they are amazing as a concept and fun to look back upon. MrMartha hopes you will enjoy viewing some of the designs from his archive.
Today's style shows two variations that capture some of the main essences of 50's fashion -- the narrow 'dressmaker' suit, and the large full skirted dress that had been popular since Dior's New Look of the 1940's. Both are topped off with self jacket details, and that other 50's essential, interest at the bustline....despite the prudishness of the 50's, there was certainly no lack of interest in the bust!