Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Worlds Best All Purpose Glue

MrMartha LOVES Weldbond, The "Universal Space Age Adhesive", perhaps the best all purpose glue available.

MrMartha has used this product to successfully reattach loose slate patio tiles to a cement base, to glue objects onto glass surfaces, for wood bonding, fabrics, general crafts, and many, many other things.

The product will seal all porous surfaces, and according to the label, will also glue foam, plaster, laminates, cork, concrete, china, ceramics, porcelain, marble, corian, gypsum board, leather, and metal.

A favorite with mosaic crafters, the product can be found in larger home improvement and hardware stores, specialty craft stores, and online. MrMartha generally purchases via eBay, and a list of eBay sellers featuring the product can be found HERE.

The large container can be a bit unwieldy for more delicate applications and small craft projects, so for those, MrMartha decants some of the product into a smaller applicator bottle.

Get some now, and you will have it on hand when that next difficult glue dilemma presents itself, or when you are moved to jump into a spur of the moment craft project!
Note that when MrMartha recommends a product, it is only because that product is used by MrMartha, and because the product is judged to be the best option in the marketplace today.