Monday, November 2, 2009

Conception Classique de Mode de la Semaine

MrMartha offers up some vintage fashion confections with a double shot of pink today.

The mid fifites were really the apex of giant ballgowns, and these two sumptuous designs certainly illustrate that particular point in all of its voluminous lushness.

The strapless gown with the twisted bodice detailing is reminiscent of many gowns worn in sophisticated 50's comedies, but something about it just screams "There's No Business Like Show Business" and the image of Ethel Merman shoehorned into it.

The gown with the off the shoulder ruched detailing is strongly reminiscent of something Audrey Hepburn could have worn in "Roman Holiday" and every inch the princess she would have been!

Viewed together the designs have stepped right out of another Audrey Hepburn movie, "Funny Face" -- and the fabulous Think Pink montage which ends with models in giant pink ballgowns twirling around amid confetti to song lyrics:
"Go out dancing, but just remember one thing....
you can get a little wink
if you got a little pink
In your swing....."